Current Projects
A product retail and distribution company
A collection of handmade and 3D printed chess sets and accessories
A board game company specializing in creating skill-based board games
A light tech startup using AI in new financial applications
An audio documentation of personal decisions, setbacks, and opinions
A subscription-based web service allowing small businesses to increase conversion rates
Background Projects
A directory of all things I'm personally involved in selling
A creative content hosting and distribution network
A collection of places where people can interact with and learn about Google Sites
Future Projects
A property management company owning real estate in the greater areas of Buffalo, Miami, and Seattle
Yet another property management company
Sunset Projects
A program of COMS hosting online chess tournaments; Membership is free
An organization utilizing API scheduling and feedback to host competitive tournaments of many kinds
A podcast hosting and distribution platform, setting itself apart with unique RSS feed customization options
The podcast full of fun songs you can download and listen to anywhere!
A service offering increased accessibility to various online files
A structured high-school fundraiser reselling pizza on a weekly basis
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
– Thomas Edison